
PTSD and the bigger picture

Posted by on Jan 30, 2016 in Blog | Comments Off on PTSD and the bigger picture

PTSD was first brought to our attention in relation to war veterans and things they witnessed while on the front-lines.  It also can be a result from so many other things, rape, mugging, being tortured, being kidnapped or held captive, train wrecks, plane crashes, bombings, child abuse, natural disasters.  Basically, any situation a person has witnessed in their lives when they have had to go into a survival mode. It can manifest immediately after the incident or can come back years later.  The psyche is a wild place.  It...

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PTSD and the bigger picture

Posted by on Jan 30, 2016 in Blog | Comments Off on PTSD and the bigger picture

PTSD was first brought to our attention in relation to war veterans and things they witnessed while on the front-lines.  It also can be a result from so many other things, rape, mugging, being tortured, being kidnapped or held captive, train wrecks, plane crashes, bombings, child abuse, natural disasters.  Basically, any situation a person has witnessed in their lives when they have had to go into a survival mode. It can manifest immediately after the incident or can come back years later.  The psyche is a wild place.  It...

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Going A.P.E. – The Art of Actively Participating and Experiencing

Posted by on Oct 11, 2013 in Blog | Comments Off on Going A.P.E. – The Art of Actively Participating and Experiencing

Through the years of life to this point, I have come into many times when things seems as though they were falling apart, as if my world was caving in.  Times when it felt like I had no control or that someone was “wronging” me.             When I get into those times, when those thoughts start trickling in, I have had to come up with a way to recognize and get myself out of the lower vibration.  I tend to slide into a depression or like the world did not want me...

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Going A.P.E. – The Art of Actively Participating and Experiencing

Posted by on Oct 11, 2013 in Blog | Comments Off on Going A.P.E. – The Art of Actively Participating and Experiencing

Going A.P.E. – The Art of Actively Participating and Experiencing

Through the years of life to this point, I have come into many times when things seems as though they were falling apart, as if my world was caving in.  Times when it felt like I had no control or that someone was “wronging” me.             When I get into those times, when those thoughts start trickling in, I have had to come up with a way to recognize and get myself out of the lower vibration.  I tend to slide into a depression or like the world did not want me...

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Oktoberfest in Munich and the dream that changed my life.

Posted by on Oct 3, 2013 in Blog | Comments Off on Oktoberfest in Munich and the dream that changed my life.

Oktoberfest in Munich and the dream that changed my life.

Oktoberfest 2004 in Munich was anything but boring.  It was 9 years the day I had the most life changing dream one could have.  A dream where I could never look back and only step forward with whom I am and what I believe.I was halfway around the world with a friend traveling for the first time to Europe.  The goal was to do Oktoberfest and then head where ever we felt like.  We had arrived in Munich the last weekend in September which is the LAST weekend where a million people are in town for the festivities....

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Oktoberfest in Munich and the dream that changed my life.

Posted by on Oct 3, 2013 in Blog | Comments Off on Oktoberfest in Munich and the dream that changed my life.

Oktoberfest 2004 in Munich was anything but boring.  It was 9 years the day I had the most life changing dream one could have.  A dream where I could never look back and only step forward with whom I am and what I believe.I was halfway around the world with a friend traveling for the first time to Europe.  The goal was to do Oktoberfest and then head where ever we felt like.  We had arrived in Munich the last weekend in September which is the LAST weekend where a million people are in town for the festivities....

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Me and Lady Gaga, 42 stories above Chicago that one November day

Posted by on Oct 2, 2013 in Blog | Comments Off on Me and Lady Gaga, 42 stories above Chicago that one November day

Me and Lady Gaga, 42 stories above Chicago that one November day

Please, if you like Lady Gaga, play the video link here:  (this video does not belong to me just posting as reference)while reading and picturing this story I wanted to share.......because it was so surreal and bizarre and yes, completely true, you don't make this up. If you hate her, then just imagine, cause you all know the song.You never know where life will take you or what will motivate you.  Every step is one in the dance of life and learning to remember that in each step,...

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Me and Lady Gaga, 42 stories above Chicago that one November day

Posted by on Oct 2, 2013 in Blog | Comments Off on Me and Lady Gaga, 42 stories above Chicago that one November day

Please, if you like Lady Gaga, play the video link here:  (this video does not belong to me just posting as reference)while reading and picturing this story I wanted to share.......because it was so surreal and bizarre and yes, completely true, you don't make this up. If you hate her, then just imagine, cause you all know the song.You never know where life will take you or what will motivate you.  Every step is one in the dance of life and learning to remember that in each step,...

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Join Samuel and Max the Crystal Skull

Posted by on Mar 15, 2013 in Blog | Comments Off on Join Samuel and Max the Crystal Skull

FOURTH DIMENSION HIGHER AWARENESS is proud to be bringing back “MAX” the Ancient Crystal Skull and JoAnn Parks to Marin County March 15th-17th 2013. Privates with “MAX” the crystal skull will be held March 15th-17th 2013. There will be a dinner presentation with JoAnn Parks speaking About “Max” and the history behind the crystal skull on Friday March 15th 2013 followed with a meditation featuring Samuel Bowling and his crystal bowls. Samuel is available for private sessions and a Friday night ceremony with...

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Writing the next chapter: Earth, Fully Realized.

Posted by on Oct 23, 2012 in Blog | Comments Off on Writing the next chapter: Earth, Fully Realized.

A friend/mentor/amazing teacher, had written on her wall on Facebook that she was taking her family to Peru to engage in the Mayan energies of 2012.  She wrote a small bit I'd like to share with you all:"I leave for Peru on Tuesday. I am eager to engage in the Mayan energies of 2012. To me these are the greatest years in human existence. They play a tremendous part in why I incarnated in this lifetime expression. These energies are for the Pathfinders; the shamans, the healers of the 21st century. They have never existed before for...

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